Demonstrations and Clinic Topics

This page shows the types of information that has been formally shared after our monthly meetings. As you can see, the range of topics covered is quite broad, and we have a range of topics coming up after future meetings.

Where formal notes or documents have been made for these sessions, members are able to access these via the member only section of the web site here.
NB: You must be logged in to this site to be able to view these..

These sessions provide a good introduction to the topic covered and are a great way to learn new ways of doing things you might have done for a while, or learn about completely new topics.

If you would like to become a member, please follow this link.

NOTE: Any listed future events are subject to change.  Please check our listed events calendar closer to the date for up-to-date information.
July 2022Static Grass – What is it, and how to apply it
August 2022Painting clouds on skyboards
September 2022Modelling water
November 2022Modelling fences
February 2023An introduction to JMRI
March 2023An introduction to layout automation with JMRI
April 2023Researching topics for model railways
May 2023Modelling trees
June 2023Ballasting track
July 2023Wiring for layout accessories
August 2023Rolling stock maintenance
September 2023Building your own DCC Command Station
October 2023Building Card Kits
November 2023Problem solving
December 2023DCC installation
January 2024Money Saving Ideas
February 2024Contour Scenery Methods
March 2024T-TRAK Specifications
April 2024Introduction to 3D Printers
May 2024Basic 3D design
June 2024The advantages of using Track Layout Programs
July 2024Scratchbuilding in Styrene
August 2024Operations Pt 1 – Set up and How they work
September 2024Operation Sessions
October 2024Moulding and Casting
November 2024Roads
January 2025Roads
Possible future topics – no date planned yet
Storage Ideas
Module Transporting